Spring Budget 2017 – Key items for Small Businesses

Spring Budget 2017 – Key items for Small Businesses

  In what is set to be the last Spring Budget, there was very little for small businesses to consider.  Though the few areas where there were changes, those changes will have quite an impact.   Dividends Following the change in taxation of dividends in April...
Christmas Parties & Gifts – What’s allowed?

Christmas Parties & Gifts – What’s allowed?

With the Christmas season quickly approaching, we are often asked what employers can buy staff and customers for Christmas and what tax relief, if any, is available. So here’s a quick summary to remind you. Christmas Cards Expenses incurred for Christmas cards/e-cards...
Using forecasts to prevent cash flow issues

Using forecasts to prevent cash flow issues

USING FORECASTS TO PREVENT CASH FLOW ISSUES In the last two weeks we’ve looked at how to improve the flow of cash into your business as a method to cope with poor cash flow, however, we see the most important part of cash flow management as the ability to see the...
Get paid quicker using the cloud

Get paid quicker using the cloud

This article is the second of our three part series, ‘Using the cloud to improve cash flow’.  We’re sending it to you as we feel all small businesses, will at some time, have to focus on cashflow.  The reaction at that time is often to tighten the purse strings but...
Creating better invoices to get paid quicker

Creating better invoices to get paid quicker

This article is the first of our three part series, ‘Using the cloud to improve cash flow’.  We’re sending it to you as we feel all small businesses, will at some time, have to focus on cashflow.  The reaction at that time is often to tighten the purse strings but the...