by Jonathan | Jul 30, 2021
You’re just starting out on your business journey. You don’t have any intentions to sell it – certainly not now, and maybe not ever. So why should you look to be setting up your creative business as though you’re preparing it for sale? Simply put,...
by Jonathan | Jul 19, 2021
There was a great deal of fear at the start of the pandemic, not just around health but also jobs and the survival of businesses forced to closed. We all (yes accountants too!!!) had to work out how to survive. Part of that meant working out how to apply for the...
by Jonathan | Jul 16, 2021
Everyone has a passion in life. But you possess something rare: the drive to turn that passion into a full-time business. The leap to self-employment can feel as terrifying as it is exciting, but with the right tools in your kit and a solid foundation beneath you,...
by Jonathan | Jul 9, 2021
When we first met Carrie Dennahy she was in the early years of her jewellery business, trying to make her dream happen with only a £12,000 overdraft as her safety net. “Having dreamed of running my own business pretty much my whole life, I decided it was time to leave...
by Jonathan | May 10, 2021
Mental health may still feel like an unapproachable topic in the workplace. But data shows 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. When you see statistics like this from Mind, the mental health charity, it’s impossible...
by Jonathan | Mar 15, 2021
Now that you’re well into the swing of the new year, we want to follow up with some tips to help you get your business into the best place possible in 2021. We recently ran a Facebook Live to talk our clients through these points to consider for the New...