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Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarHow much furlough money has been claimed?
There was a great deal of fear at the start of the pandemic, not just around health but also jobs and the survival of businesses forced to closed. We all (yes accountants too!!!) had to work out how to survive. Part of that meant working out how to apply for the...
How do I turn my creative passion into a full time gig?
Everyone has a passion in life. But you possess something rare: the drive to turn that passion into a full-time business. The leap to self-employment can feel as terrifying as it is exciting, but with the right tools in your kit and a solid foundation beneath you,...
From dreaming to dream life: How Carrie Dennahy grew her jewellery business from an overdraft to a 7 figure bank balance
When we first met Carrie Dennahy she was in the early years of her jewellery business, trying to make her dream happen with only a £12,000 overdraft as her safety net. “Having dreamed of running my own business pretty much my...
Mental health matters. What you can do as an employer to really make a difference to happiness and health in the workplace.
Mental health may still feel like an unapproachable topic in the workplace. But data shows 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. When you see statistics like this from Mind, the mental health charity, it’s impossible...
Four tips to move your business forward this year
Now that you're well into the swing of the new year, we want to follow up with some tips to help you get your business into the best place possible in 2021. We recently ran a Facebook Live to talk our clients through these points to consider for the New Year....
How do I write a business plan for my creative business?
You know a business plan will help you revive your creative ambition. You know you don’t need that bloated 30-page document of made-up marketing research, but you need a 2-page plan to reach your goals, and you need to be able to refer to it regularly. So, now what?...
Why Is An Overdrawn Director’s Loan Account A Problem?
So you have an overdrawn directors loan. You didn’t even know what it was at first, but you really need to know why it’s a problem. Basically, the problem is that it looks like you owe your business money and that might lead to some, possibly significant, tax to...
How Does A Director’s Loan Work?
When you’re in the early days of your business, you may find you have a bunch of initial costs you need to cover before you’re even generating an income from sales. For a creative business, this could be anything from office equipment, to tech, to start-up accounting...
Why do I need a business plan for my creative business?
You’re doing great. Your business is growing, you love what you do, but you’re starting to get bogged down with the daily admin. You've got people to pay, invoices to send out, staff to support, and customers to keep happy. You started this business for a reason. Your...
Winter Economy Plan
As we rolled towards Autumn it became clear that the UK faced an extended battle against the COVID 19 pandemic. In order to further support the economy the Chancellor announced a Winter Economy Plan on 24 September. Here we cover the key updates and how to access...
Coronavirus: Extensions to the Job Retention and Self-employment grant schemes
There were some big headlines on Friday as the Chancellor announced extensions to the Job Retention and Self-Employed Income Support Schemes. As always, however, the details aren't made so obvious. So, let's run through all you need to know about the extensions and...
Business Interruption vs Bounce Bank Loans: Which One Is Right For My Business?
Having survived the initial changes to your business over the last few months you may now be considering one of the Governments loan schemes to help you through your business recovery phase. We'll be running through the difference between the Coronavirus Business...
Why doing your tax return early is good for you…and others
We all know that mental health is important and that running a business can impact on it. At Raedan we've always strived to reduce the worries of those we work with and we know that a good way to do that is to get things done early! By working together we can get...
Alternative ways to get cash back into your business
As the spread of coronavirus causes the UK government to enforce lockdowns and closures, businesses are being faced with difficult conditions and tough decisions. Though many businesses are adapting, and some even struggling to keep up with increased demand,...
Coronavirus: Self-employed Income Support Scheme
Having seemingly been ignored, the Government announced support for the self-employed on 26 March with it's Income Support Scheme. Similar in some ways to the support for employers, the main question was always going to be, how will it be calculated. Updated May 2020...
Why your bookkeeping isn’t transforming your business and changing your life
Good bookkeeping can be life changing. Seriously. If done well, bookkeeping can be the catalyst for major change within your business. Since your business is one of your life’s big projects, these are major changes in your life too. It’s likely you’ve never heard an...
Coronavirus: Job Retention Scheme FAQ
Updated 3 June 2020We're getting some great questions about the Job Retention Scheme from our business community and wanted to share them (and the answers!) with as many of you as possible. Information is still coming out on this so we'll update regularly as we learn...
Coronavirus: How you can prepare your business
We are all facing a considerable level of uncertainty at the moment and for business owners in particular there will be a host of thoughts occupying your minds as to how to navigate the next few weeks or potentially months as the world battles against the coronavirus...