by Jonathan | Jan 4, 2024
So, your business is going from strength to strength, the cash keeps rolling in and now you find yourself in need of some financial help. If you are considering hiring a professional to assist you, then you may be unsure of whether a bookkeeper or accountant is the way to go. So what is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting, and which one is the perfect match for your business?
by Jonathan | Sep 30, 2022
As a creative business owner, you know better than anyone the level of innovation and experimentation your industry requires. This is the exact business model that R&D tax credits were designed to reward. Introduced in 2000, this scheme by HMRC incentivises...
by Jonathan | Oct 6, 2020
As we rolled towards Autumn it became clear that the UK faced an extended battle against the COVID 19 pandemic. In order to further support the economy the Chancellor announced a Winter Economy Plan on 24 September. Here we cover the key updates and how to access...
by Jonathan | Mar 27, 2020
Having seemingly been ignored, the Government announced support for the self-employed on 26 March with it’s Income Support Scheme. Similar in some ways to the support for employers, the main question was always going to be, how will it be calculated. Updated...
by Jonathan | Mar 13, 2020
We are all facing a considerable level of uncertainty at the moment and for business owners in particular there will be a host of thoughts occupying your minds as to how to navigate the next few weeks or potentially months as the world battles against the coronavirus...