by Jonathan | Sep 8, 2021
You’ve started your creative business, and while you’ve got an incredible product or service to offer, you’re uncertain how to price creative services. There’s an easy answer of pricing yourself smack-dab in the middle of your competitors – not the most...
by Jonathan | Sep 1, 2021
If there’s anything this last year has taught us, it’s how important proper preparation is. You’re a creative, a free-thinker with an innovative vision. Maybe you don’t see yourself as the “business type” but you know you’re good at what you do and people want to see...
by Jonathan | Aug 23, 2021
As the head of a creative business, you might struggle to think of yourself as the “business type.” Because of this, you’re now questioning if you’re the right person to continue leading your business into the future. You’re experiencing some remarkable startup...
by Jonathan | Jul 30, 2021
You’re just starting out on your business journey. You don’t have any intentions to sell it – certainly not now, and maybe not ever. So why should you look to be setting up your creative business as though you’re preparing it for sale? Simply put,...
by Jonathan | Dec 1, 2020
You know a business plan will help you revive your creative ambition. You know you don’t need that bloated 30-page document of made-up marketing research, but you need a 2-page plan to reach your goals, and you need to be able to refer to it regularly. So, now what?...