Do I Need An Accountant If I Have Xero?

Do I Need An Accountant If I Have Xero?

Updated 10th January 2025 We couldn’t even begin to fathom how many times we have heard this question. In fact, in the UK alone, people type (verbatim) “Do I Need An Accountant If I Have Xero?” into the search bar fifty times a month on average. It’s fair to say that...
At What Stage Does Your Business Need Help From An Accountant?

At What Stage Does Your Business Need Help From An Accountant?

It’s a familiar situation for any new business owner. Your business is growing, and with that comes excitement, ambition and a hell of a lot of questions. One of the most common ones that budding entrepreneurs ask us is: “Do I need an accountant for my small...
Why We Love Being Creative Industry Accountants

Why We Love Being Creative Industry Accountants

As creative industry accountants, we often get asked why it is that we focus our services towards creatives. Surely that narrows your potential work opportunities? Aren’t creative industries some of the trickiest to manage financially? We appreciate that it may narrow...
Accounting Tips For Agencies Part 2

Accounting Tips For Agencies Part 2

And we’re back! As previously mentioned, we love this sort of stuff. And equally, we appreciate that many creative agency types couldn’t think of anything more unappealing than organising the financial element of their business strategy. That’s why as experienced...
Accounting Tips For Agencies

Accounting Tips For Agencies

Running your own creative agency is an exhilarating experience. Following a dream and setting out into the big (not always bad) world of business, with nothing to guide you towards success other than your heart and your head. Arguably nothing is more rewarding than...
How do I price my creative services?

How do I price my creative services?

You’ve started your creative business, and while you’ve got an incredible product or service to offer, you’re uncertain how to price creative services. There’s an easy answer of pricing yourself smack-dab in the middle of your competitors – not the most...