What is Cash Flow and Why Does it Matter to My Business?

What is Cash Flow and Why Does it Matter to My Business?

Update on 31st January 2025 We often speak to businesses who are frustrated that they’re profitable but have no cash…’how come I have to pay tax if I’ve got no money?’, sound familiar?  In this blog we’re going to look at why cash is king, what is cash flow and how...
How do I price my creative services?

How do I price my creative services?

You’ve started your creative business, and while you’ve got an incredible product or service to offer, you’re uncertain how to price creative services. There’s an easy answer of pricing yourself smack-dab in the middle of your competitors – not the most...
How do I turn my creative passion into a full time gig?

How do I turn my creative passion into a full time gig?

Everyone has a passion in life. But you possess something rare: the drive to turn that passion into a full-time business. The leap to self-employment can feel as terrifying as it is exciting, but with the right tools in your kit and a solid foundation beneath you,...
Four tips to move your business forward this year

Four tips to move your business forward this year

  Now that you’re well into the swing of the new year, we want to follow up with some tips to help you get your business into the best place possible in 2021.  We recently ran a Facebook Live to talk our clients through these points to consider for the New...