What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?

What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?

So, your business is going from strength to strength, the cash keeps rolling in and now you find yourself in need of some financial help. If you are considering hiring a professional to assist you, then you may be unsure of whether a bookkeeper or accountant is the way to go. So what is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting, and which one is the perfect match for your business?

How do I price my creative services?

How do I price my creative services?

You’ve started your creative business, and while you’ve got an incredible product or service to offer, you’re uncertain how to price creative services. There’s an easy answer of pricing yourself smack-dab in the middle of your competitors – not the most...
Raedan – Refresh of the homepage

Raedan – Refresh of the homepage

As a funnel for so much of our traffic we knew our homepage had to be more concise in explaining who we are.  A little over a year ago we built a shiny new website and we were immensely proud of what we had pulled together. However, at the time we launched our new...