by Jonathan | Mar 8, 2023
The first steps on a new journey are often the most exciting. However, making mistakes at the early stages often leads to bigger problems further down the line. Xero is designed to help simultaneously optimise and simplify your business’ finances. Making sure that you...
by Jonathan | Feb 16, 2023
So, you’ve got your dream business up and running but you aren’t entirely sure quite how well it is running… Should you be using sales as your financial yardstick? Or maybe reductions in costs? Not quite… In this blog we detail how to measure profit margin and why it...
by Jonathan | Dec 15, 2022
It’s a familiar situation for any new business owner. Your business is growing, and with that comes excitement, ambition and a hell of a lot of questions. One of the most common ones that budding entrepreneurs ask us is: “Do I need an accountant for my small...
by Jonathan | Sep 23, 2022
When you hear the phrase “research and development” you probably think of scientists in white coats, mixing chemicals in a lab. You certainly don’t do anything like that in your creative business, so you’ve always assumed you weren’t eligible for tax relief through an...
by Jonathan | Aug 11, 2022
As creative industry accountants, we often get asked why it is that we focus our services towards creatives. Surely that narrows your potential work opportunities? Aren’t creative industries some of the trickiest to manage financially? We appreciate that it may narrow...
by Jonathan | Sep 8, 2021
You’ve started your creative business, and while you’ve got an incredible product or service to offer, you’re uncertain how to price creative services. There’s an easy answer of pricing yourself smack-dab in the middle of your competitors – not the most...