by Jonathan | Aug 11, 2022
As creative industry accountants, we often get asked why it is that we focus our services towards creatives. Surely that narrows your potential work opportunities? Aren’t creative industries some of the trickiest to manage financially? We appreciate that it may narrow...
by Jonathan | Jun 24, 2022
You’ve just found out that your first employee is pregnant. Exciting! As part of your legal requirements as an employer, you know you’ll have to provide Statutory Maternity Pay, or SMP, to your employee for up to 39 weeks of maternity leave. This rule regarding...
by Jonathan | Jun 24, 2022
One of your employees has just shared the good news: they’re pregnant! While you couldn’t be happier for them during this exciting time, you’re also thinking about what this means for your business and what the standard employer responsibilities for pregnant employees...
by Jonathan | May 18, 2022
And we’re back! As previously mentioned, we love this sort of stuff. And equally, we appreciate that many creative agency types couldn’t think of anything more unappealing than organising the financial element of their business strategy. That’s why as experienced...
by Jonathan | Mar 30, 2022
We understand that accounting can seem like a very daunting – and often dull – prospect for any growing business. Invoices. Tax. Expenses. It can seem a little overwhelming for even the most numerically astute business owners. That’s why keeping it all in...
by Jonathan | Mar 21, 2022
Running your own creative agency is an exhilarating experience. Following a dream and setting out into the big (not always bad) world of business, with nothing to guide you towards success other than your heart and your head. Arguably nothing is more rewarding than...