by Jonathan | Apr 5, 2023
If you have found yourself asking “What is Xero accounting?” it is safe to presume that you are either on the search for a new accounting software, looking to learn more on the subject of Xero as a platform or stuck in an inexplicable – and pretty leftfield...
by Jonathan | Mar 20, 2023
Shopping around for the best accounting software for creatives falls into the bracket of tasks that are not necessarily the most thrilling, but are undeniably essential. Like remembering to let the dog out before bed, signing up with the local GP after moving house,...
by Jonathan | Mar 8, 2023
The first steps on a new journey are often the most exciting. However, making mistakes at the early stages often leads to bigger problems further down the line. Xero is designed to help simultaneously optimise and simplify your business’ finances. Making sure that you...
by Jonathan | Feb 16, 2023
So, you’ve got your dream business up and running but you aren’t entirely sure quite how well it is running… Should you be using sales as your financial yardstick? Or maybe reductions in costs? Not quite… In this blog we detail how to measure profit margin and why it...
by Jonathan | Feb 8, 2023
As accountants, we face a barrage of negative and inaccurate press on a daily basis. Everything from the inaccurate “Do accountants have to be good at maths?” to the downright hurtful “Why are accountants boring?”. Well, in this blog we are looking to debunk some of...